April 13, 2021
Read on for a quick exercise on how you can become more aware of how much time + energy you are putting toward following your "golden threads."
When I was working with the Eagle Fern flower elixir, which is found in our new Inner Knowing blend, I was reminded of a book called Ensouling Language by Stephen Harrod Buhner. I read portions of this book when I was writing the Flowerevolution book. It's a guide to writing nonfiction books in a way that's interesting and sacred versus sounding like a manual for something. The author explains that, when writing any kind of nonfiction, it's important to really follow the kind of sacred inclinations that arise within you. He calls it "following the golden thread."
I think that Eagle Fern is one of the botanical master teachers for following the golden threads within us. This flower essence helps us to trust in our inner resources and our capacity to envision and feel our way into things from the inside out. As long as we are in the right energetic state of being, staying rooted in spaciousness and grounded in nourishment, we can create what "feels" right for us as we take our next aligned step forward.
This is something you may have heard me talk about before, but I can't quite talk about it enough and encourage myself to practice it in my own life and business: to follow those golden threads. I have a simple exercise that can help you follow your own golden threads!
Take a few minutes to just jot down on a piece of paper or your phone the things that feel juicy, that for some reason or other feel energizing or interesting or different. It could be a person, a meeting, a concept, a practice, a place, anything—just for some reason it sparks something in you. You can enhance this process by adding some Inner Knowing elixir to your beverage or dropping it under your tongue!
I recently did this exercise in less than 60 seconds and as I looked at my list, I realized I was putting about 20% of my energy toward that list. And most likely it should be the opposite: I should focus 80% of my energy and output on the juicy list and 20% on all of the other things that need to get done.
The first step is awareness—noticing what feels juicy and what percentage of your time or effort you're investing into it. After that, you can focus on shifting some of your energy and output toward the juicy list.
Love + flower petals,