Most of us are multi-tasking, jamming our schedules, and spending 9+ years of our lives parked in front of the TV. Over a third of us have trouble sleeping, every single night.
Even worse, Wifi signals + cell phone towers are sending unprecedented levels of electro-magnetic activity coursing through our bodies, every minute. We can't see it. But it's there — and it's making us sick, sad, and exhausted.
At LOTUSWEI, we’re here to invite thousands — and eventually millions + billions — of people to take action, by working with flower elixirs.
We want to make flower elixirs as widely understood + accepted as yoga, tai chi and meditation — with a flower elixir cabinet in every home and in every office.
And it’s true: as early as second grade, I felt like my people were somewhere else and that I was meant to be working on a big project ... but there I was, stuck in a teeny-tiny body in a small town on Lake Michigan.
I’d seen a movie about astral projection, so every night, I tried astral-projecting myself somewhere else so that I could do the vague “big thing” I needed to do.
But I’ve spent my career creating ways to transport people to bigger places and reconnect them to their greatest expressions of themselves.
The transformations I saw in my clients just a month into using flower elixirs were so mind-blowing — their faces changed, their body language changed, their outlook on life and even their life stories changed — that I thought, "everyone in the world needs to know about this.”
I found that working with flower elixirs could squish 6 months of personal growth into one.
Short term: you start to experience less irritation. Everything’s smoother. The stress dissolves. You sleep more soundly. Any strong emotions get softer and lesser.
Long term: your inner landscape changes, and your outer landscape starts to reflect that new reality back to you. You may get out of relationships that don’t work, form new ones that do, start new career paths, do things you used to be afraid of, and walk with a little more swagger.
In short, these elixirs accelerate the process of getting you from who you are to who you want to be.
They’re one thing you can add to your routine without wondering “where will I get the time?”
You put a couple of drops in your mouth or apply it topically to the skin and you’re done. Really, it's that simple.
That’s a given, but it’s something people don’t think about much.
The earth is also smart.