in Austin, TX at Vista West Ranch in Dripping Springs
Learn how to make 8 auspicious offerings & dedications, and how this creates the causes for abundance
Experience a wave of flower essences time-released in tea, chocolate, oils & mists to awaken fearlessness & courage
Instigate a wave of pure intent with a Green Tara Ceremony for fearlessness, health, wealth & protection
... and so much more!
Virtual Connection: 9am PT/AZ • 10am MT • 11am CT • 12pm ET
If you are in Austin, you are 100% welcome to join us in-person. Secret location revealed when you sign up.
An ancient Tibetan smoke offering practice that removes obstacles to realizing your sky-like true nature.
Saturday, April 12th ~ 12 - 4pm CT
We're so excited to host a LOTUSWEI Happy Hour at Alive and Well ~ a sanctuary for health in Austin, TX.
There will be:
Mini Flower Essence Consultations
Mist & Anointing Oil Sampling Altar
Flower Elixir, Herbal Soda & Tea Bar
Dark Chocolate Tasting
AND – Alive and Well will be offering 20% off all LOTUSWEI products!
Saturday, April 12th
If you want to treat yourself with a transformative experience, Dr. Alan Chang will be offering Flower Essence & Acupressure sessions at Alive and Well in Austin!
Enjoy the intersection of flower essences with Traditional Chinese Medicine with LOTUSWEI certified licensed acupuncturist, Alan Chang. This session may include acupressure, acupuncture or energetic medicine depending on your needs.
Sunday April 13th @ 11am ~ Commons Ford Metropolitan Park
Vast community effort to make collective offerings. A gathering devoted to prayers for loved ones & the world. A celebration of human spirit & spiritual power.
Dark Chocolate & Flower Essence Meditation with Lisa Reinhardt of Wei of Chocolate
Special Green Tara Healing & Sound Practice to consecrate the land
Magnetize wealth & abundance for the area by making sincere offerings
Bring an offering of the heart, such as flowers or water to offer, or tea, fruit or snacks to share.
Sign up here to get sent meeting location: