in Austin, TX at Vista West Ranch in Dripping Springs
Learn how to make 8 auspicious offerings & dedications, and how this creates the causes for abundance
Experience a wave of flower essences time-released in tea, chocolate, oils & mists to awaken fearlessness & courage
Instigate a wave of pure intent with a Green Tara Ceremony for fearlessness, health, wealth & protection
... and so much more!
authentic connections
dark chocolate & tea
Enjoy specially selected flower elixirs customized to your city & walk out feeling like a whole new you.
Be seen & heard as the beautiful, powerful being that you are.
Feel the impact & find a part of yourself that’s been hidden.
Be washed in a tidal wave of love & a cool breeze of compassion.
Feel your heart unite with unseen powers & feel at home.
Flower & sound offering experience to blast you & your city with love.
We have different versions, but at any Flowerlounge, expect thousands of flowers, mandalas, meditations, sensory exploration, relief from your monkey mind, and flower elixirs (not at a perfume-sample spritz level -- you’ll feel like you’ve been taking them for 6 months).
Just ask the people who welcome you at the door.
They’ve seen people come in looking frazzled and stressed and leave looking like they just got a shot of sunshine.
We can’t wait to meet you at a Flowerlounge.
I sat on the stage after the Flowerlounge was over, watching everyone in their small groups, deeply immersed in meaningful connection.
I took a few deep breaths and took in the scene.
I felt a sense of calm and spaciousness.
I listened to the crickets singing in the plants in the background.
I felt that we had accomplished something.
Everybody got the chance to skip the usual small talk with strangers and reveal their innermost stirrings & life challenges.
They broke the barriers that typically keep us separate and unaware of how much we have in common with the people around us.
It offered a deep dose of connection and interconnectedness.
With flowers as the key to personal insights around where our greatest opportunities are for growth.
I am never quite sure what will be the response of the Green Tara Healing Ceremony, a practice that we learned 2 years ago in Nepal.
And, it seems, that there is something wordless that is transmitted, that removes obstacles, breaks down the walls in our hearts and reminds us of the divine that is innately within each of us.
Special thanks to the dream crew at MUD\WTR :gather for being the most incredible collaboration partners to help bring this event to life.
Huge thank you to Mykyta & Yurii of @vashchenko_photo for documenting the event in such a way that the essence is totally felt through the imagery. So beautiful.
Love & flower petals,
The Phoenix Flowerlounge at our Self-Arising Nature Center was packed to capacity ~ not only the most sparkly group of flower freaks (we completely sold out!) ... but more importantly with enormous love & ripened magic.
As the final Flowerlounge on our Ripple the Void Tour, I could not have imagined a better evening to seal & dedicate all the effort & heart that went into making this tour happen.
My deepest gratitude to everyone who came, everyone who joined us at a Ripple the Void event or healing session this summer, and everyone who helped make it happen. Seen & unseen.
Our dear friend Holly from @wildcraft.chs recently told us ::
"I love the name of the tour this time ~ Ripple the Void. Because it is! We felt the ripple & will continue to watch it. Some effects will be immediate & some will unfold within the years. The ripple is there ... the ripple happened. It’s inevitable."
Here's to watching it all. 🤍
May it bring happiness.
May it soothe hearts.
May it awaken the divine super powers of your true nature.
May. It. Be. So.
xoxo, Katie, Lisa, Taylor, Justin, Alan, Maggie, Jocelyn, John, Karen, Evelyn, Clare, Lyndsey, Alison, Shantideva, Julie, Dubby, Dave & Ichi-San
We recently arrived home to the desert from balmy Charleston, South Carolina. We hosted our last traveling Flowerlounge event for the year – it's been quite a ride!
Every city we visited was SO different & the experiences so unique!
Wanna hear some crazy, behind-the-scenes highlights from our trip in Charleston?
What a rush — like getting chomped by a piranha – with a simultaneous electric lightning rod penetrating into the deepest part of you – and a fire-like sting that lasts for hours.
I went right back to boogie-boarding in the ocean (first time ever, so much fun!), but my skin itched like hell for a week; two weeks later, I can still see & feel the outline of the jellyfish and its tentacles on my thigh!
I figured it was an ocean blessing and if poison cures poison … that the jellyfish was helping us all to be more electric & direct. I researched jellyfish in Traditional Chinese Medicine & it’s used to dispel heat, eliminate congestion, lower BP & prevent hardening of arteries! Consuming jellyfish is good for toxicities, being overweight & heart health. Think it's a coincidence he got me right in the cellulite part of my thigh?! 😂
I usually go flower hunting alone or with one other person. It was so sweet to spend the afternoon with the Flowerlounge team looking for obscure flowers in the marshy forest.
Despite being extremely hot & sweaty, with mosquitos abound, everyone was super focused & engaged! Everyone had similar impressions and experiences of each flower. Isn’t this bright-colored wild orchid gorgeous?!!
Late night conversations on the porch translated to about 100 different insect bites all over my body – most likely no-see-ums – which itched like craaazy! I was blown away by the soothing effects of Justin dripping ice-cold crushed watermelon & rose hydrosol on my insect bites, followed by an application of Sacred Heart & Sacred Body anointing oils. Allll better. We need to start adding culinary spa treatments to our menu! ; )
And note to self: the sacred anointing oils are awesome for soothing insect bites!
Holly, her team & her husband all blew me away - we met them for the first time in person & it was love at first sight. Wildcraft Store set up an experiential lotuswei apothecary at our big event & hosted us for flower readings & mocktails. I dare you to visit Wildcraft in person or online & buy nothing, lol; it’s like eating one potato chip. Honored to call them family & we’re so lucky Sean modeled for our new Sacred Awareness launch!
Sometimes I wonder … Why do we work so hard? And who are these people with me on the team, who unequivocally devote themselves so wholeheartedly to working their butts off to create an ephemeral experience that comes and goes as quickly as it came?
My niece & I spent all day building flower mandalas, only to pick up every last petal at the end of the night and toss them into the ocean for the Flower Offering - much like the Tibetan Sand Mandala!
I look around me and each person is laboring, steaming silks, setting up pillows, fixing the audio/visual, making the food & beverages & all the other millions of prep things for an event … and wonder how I got so lucky to attract such beautiful humans who are so unbelievably dedicated to expressing their love through an experience …
This gave us an opportunity to do looots of meditation practice; we did several Smoke Offerings before we even did the event, to make sure we’d made peace with all the different energies on the property.
Huuuge special thanks to Holly Thorpe & her team at Wildcraft for supporting us so strongly at the event & throughout the entire week!
South Carolina was so good to us ~ some fun-loving behind-the-scenes during our week in Charleston!
Flower offering ~ Folly Beach style. 🤍 As the locals would say: flower bombs & party waves!
Miami, FL
Austin, TX
Columbia, MD
For what's next on the Ripple the Void Tour, go here.
Love + flower petals,
Katie & the Flowerlounge Team
Flower altars. Purification waterfalls. Chocolate-y Sacred Awareness. Smoke offering ceremony. 95 flower elixirs in the air. New girlfriends. Hearts open on the floor. Ikebana gardens. Drinking flower petals & eating orchids.
Deep bow to everyone who shows up to these offerings with us. Grateful to lock eyes with all of you & feel your hearts.
Special thanks to Glassbox Ironside for letting us flip the space into a sacred container for authenticity, intimacy & wild transformation.
I am so incredibly grateful to our community in Austin. Wow!
We were all blown away by the depth of profound connections we made so effortlessly — and the number of people that were so open, sparkly, radiant and ready to collaborate. Their ability to go deep ~ is the real deal. ; )
Million thanks to everyone that showed up to our big Flowerlounge. We felt the tenderness of your huge hearts & all of our collective desire for expansion & growth.
Special thanks to our collaborators, supporters & sponsors:
Wei of Chocolate
Wisdom Nectar Tea
Alison Van Wyck Art
Chris & Rose
Texas Nexus
Alyson Charles & Luke Storey
Mikki & Nadia
Karen Betten
Bryson Valencia ~ Videographer
Nathan Nguyen ~ Photographer
Alive Waters
Ksenia Brief
Nell & Lailani
Amanda Love & Dr. Ron at Heal
For more tour dates, go here! We would love to see you at our next Flowerlounge!
Love + flower ripples,
The JUNGLE Flowerlounge checked off 2 firsts for us ~ it was our first outdoor Flowerlounge and first multi-sensory, flower essence-infused dinner experience!
Highlights: the powerful presence of men & women from Singapore, Indonesia, Norway & Taiwan, 12 amazing dishes by @openfarmcommunity infused with essences of local flora, a silent dessert, garden meditations, jungle bathing, heartfelt conversations & flower essence water blessings.
We made a one-time-only flower essence of 7 different flowers from the garden at Open Farm a Community for the final ritual at our JUNGLE Flowerlounge. Intention: internal + external purification, cleanse away obstructions and invite auspiciousness + happiness. May it be so.
Huge thank you to our sponsors Open Farm Community for helping us make it happen ~ couldn’t have done it without your brilliant team!
Love + jungle flowers,
I loved being at The Yoga School ~ so comfy and conducive to being together. Overlooking the city from the 39th floor, it’s easy to imagine flooding everyone all around with love.
This was one of the most meditative events we've ever hosted. Singaporean minds are so clear -- you feel it immediately when sitting in meditation; the difference is so palpable!
I was surprised & delighted to hear that women flew in from Indonesia and Thailand for the event. So heart-warming & such an honor. 🙏🏼 And we sold out of our tickets!
I loved that we noshed on local Singaporean desserts like Kueh. (My favorite dessert is ‘ondeh ondeh’, a small ball of soft rice flour & pandan coconut with liquid palm sugar inside.) It was a joy to actually serve it, along with other kueh treats, at a Flowerlounge! We also provided sips of flower-essence-infused yummy blue pea and cardamom beetroot teas made by local entrepreneurs.
I can still see everyone’s face standing in a circle at the end, full of laughter & radiance.
Huge thank you to Dawn at The Yoga School for hosting us, to for shooting beautiful video clips.
Deepest gratitude to my sidekicks: Taylor for her enormous, lovely presence & these exquisite photographs & Clare who we would not have been able to do this without her, organization-wise & humor-wise. 😁♥️🌺🙏🏼
Our evening of ALCHEMY was exactly that ~ on every level. From the magical reactions in the drinks, to the alchemical + raw conversations that took place among complete strangers.
We ate sweet dew from orchids. We lit limes on blue fire with matcha syrup, ginger kombucha, fresh mint. We sipped on sacred cider with palo santo smoke, bitters + cinnamon. We watched natural chemical reactions of blue flowers + grapefruit rose nectar. Add to all this the secret alchemy of transformative flower elixirs, wakefulness practices + deep, meaningful conversations … and the night turned into magic.
Love & flower petals,
The Truthteller Flowerlounge was something special.
This was the first time our hometown community experienced the Flowerlounge as you + I know it ... with thousands of flowers, elixirs, mandalas, meditation, essential oils in the air, edible flowers, beautiful music, and a powerful ripple effect that passes joy on to someone miles away.
Beloveds in our community flew or drove in specifically for the#Flowerloungemagic from: Hawaii, Miami, Orlando, NYC, Minneapolis, Seattle, Boulder, San Francisco, Davis, San Jose, LA + Sedona.#mindblown! I am so grateful to everyone who came & everyone who contributed!
Love + flower petals,
We packed a full house for our ANTIDOTE event.
Upon arrival, every person handed over their wrists + stuck their tongues out...for tongue + pulse readings of course. 😜
Based on the reading, we'd tell them which element they needed a little bit of love from: wood, water, earth, fire or metal. In our Flowerlounge event space, each person would then find the table assigned to their element & spend the evening surrounded by people with the same ‘diagnosis’.
Along with a gorgeous platter of yummy food, each table was served an element-balancing herbal liquor + a set of questions that everyone would take turns answering together.
Love + flower petals
Our ZODIAC event at the San Center with Astrological Counselor Juliana Bishop was so fun! She shot us into space with an overview of all the little symbols, sections & slices you can find on your natal chart - and why it makes us special. So many ah-ha's and ooohhh's during the night - and it was only an overview!
We served cosmic-inspired mocktail & dessert sets: creamy coconut vanilla panacotta + a tropical mango coulis served on a sparkly slice of moonshine, with a guava jam + jasmine tea sparkler ... all topped with juicy starfruit + aromatic night-blooming jasmine flowers!
For the Gamechanger Flowerlounge in Chicago, people came from as far as Louisiana, New York, Minnesota, Ohio, Colorado and Indiana!
Every Flowerlounge culminates in our traditional dedication ritual + flower offering, where we acknowledge all the energy, effort, love and flowers that went into the event & dedicate it all to the happiness of everyone in the city along with every vast or specific heartfelt wish or prayer from the group ...
On February 13th, we hosted our 16th Flowerlounge + third event in New York City ~ this time a love + compassion-themed evening infused with transformative orchid elixirs, poetry, movement, meditation, a flower journey, mandalas + yummy treats!
The highlight was the group improv poetry piece where everyone shared a line from their writing or an expression of love - super heartfelt + inspiring.
Huge gratitude to ALL OF YOU who came - not only from all over the city - but also from faraway places like Boston, Ohio, Louisiana, Vancouver + Switzerland - specifically for this event!
And a loving shout out to Rockin’ Raw for your amazing treats + beautiful presentation, Lisa Reinhardt of Wei of Chocolate, Kaeli Astheimer, Kerry McCarthy, Mileen Patel who flew in from Chicago to help out + Shop Studios for the gorgeous space.
After every Flowerlounge we go to the nearest water to make prayers + wishes - offering up all the flowers + petals we used at the event, tossing them into the water.
This time we made our way to Brooklyn Bridge, the team huddling together under the birds soaring in the wind, speaking aloud each of our prayers and dedications to the city, the local protectors and nature spirits, the attendees at the events, everyone in New York City, naming everyone and anyone we can think of - sending blessing for love + happiness ... and then expanding it to all beings everywhere.
May it be felt, may it have impact, may love abound.
Huge love + gratitude,
Katie, Taylor, Kate, Alexis, Jax, Lindsey + Tessa
New York City felt like fire + sparks - there was electricity in the air. Every person that came to Flowerlounge NYC felt like they were exploding with their own potential + sparkle. There was an intense, combustive quality in NYC that saturated every moment. I felt a deep resonance with so many of the people that came + my heart expanded in such a fiery way. The flaming intensity forged many friendships + relationships like fire strengthening metal.
Whatever discomfort manifested… the fire consumed and digested it all, transforming it into vibrant energy. While we were in NYC, the culmination of the pink full moon instigated for the team: exhilaration, exploration, adventures, purification, coughing fits, fevers, tears, breakdowns + feeling all the feelings. We even cranked up the music + danced on the streets.
Our flower offering in NYC took place amongst children, helicopters + huge ferry boats at the East River. We showered people walking by with flower petals + made lots of people smile. People, especially children joined in, making wishes + tossing petals into the water.
Special thanks to Kaeli Astheimer, Dondeena Bradley, Carrie-Anne Moss, Tere of Rockin’ Raw, and Rasheed Gonga of Interface.
In Philadelphia we set up in an enormous dark theater where we made huge, exquisite, candlelit flower mandalas. It felt like being cocooned inside the earth, like fruits being made to ripen. And among everyone in Philly, it felt as if we were all unearthing precious gems from within.
It was also in Philly that so many people captured me with such conviction + looked deep into my eyes saying, “this is making a difference,”or “this has changed my life.”
So often we don’t really understand how our efforts translate into true benefit, and the gift of Philadelphia was that it really landed in our hearts - of how impactful this movement is. We started to realize how profound this all really is … rich + dark, like digging our hands into the earth - the true nature of it all was unearthed
The Philly flower offering took place under the bridge + the full moonlight at the Delaware River. Onlookers joined in tossing flowers over each other’s heads in a blessing rain of flowers.
Special thanks to the beautiful hearts at Painted Bride Art Center for the joy of working in a theater!
Boston was easy-going + flexible. Like water, there was sense of momentum + flow. We had two magical children helping us set up, which made it very special. Everyone who came seemed open + joyful. The whole evening was really soft + gentle + it felt like we were completely provided for - Boston has a nourishing quality.
In continuation with the water theme, Gloria, a most gorgeous woman that night, grabbed my arm and exclaimed about the momentum of the movement we are creating, “Ride that wave, ride that wave!”
During this last flower offering on the Mystic River, we were all sort of speechless + floating in the magic of each other. We lay upon Mother Earth and reconnected, dedicating the merit of these amazing travels so that all beings may benefit.
Special thanks to Robin, Sebastian + Zoya Sandomirsky, Nicole Lewis, Megan Mitrokostas + Wendy Seale, Emilie Amstutz + Borealis Yoga, and Jenny Moloney (photography).
In Baltimore, we had a meeting in the sky at the Skylofts and it was packed! During a particularly powerful meditation moment, the winds picked up and whooshed around the huge skylight windows, an affirmation from Mother Nature + the divine.
In B’more there was such sheer authenticity and willingness to be 100% vulnerable + present with whatever was arising - like looking at the wide horizon of the sky + seeing everything without hiding. Women shared with me deep grief, like the death of a son or daughter, pain of losing their house + the challenge of ‘being enough’. There were tears + laughter and the crystal clarity of being real. Real + raw + blessed to be alive.
We had tons of food leftover in Baltimore; we were so happy to synchronistically drive by a shelter the next day that feeds 300 people daily. We met the sparkliest man ever + placed huge trays of shrimp, salmon, fruits + cheeses in his basket
To make wishes + prayers for Baltimore, we made our flower offering and tossed all the flowers + petals into the ocean at the Inner Harbor.
Special thanks to Kassi Buscher, Bianca Nise, Robert Stromberg, Jessica Eastern (photography) + the huge hearts of all the pearls from The Pearl Spa.
As part of the Flowerevolution Book Tour, I was honored to host a FLOWERLOUNGE in Singapore! Every single seat was taken and the space was packed! We started with a meditation and the energy in the room was palpable ~ a special crowd. Everyone was warm, welcoming + good-humored.
After the talk I gave individual flower readings + signed books, so I had the opportunity to meet with each person, one by one; I was incredibly inspired by the level of enthusiasm + support! I heard from friends that it's highly unusual at events in Singapore for people to stay afterwards and create connections with the other people there. As a busy city environment, people usually keep to themselves + then continue on to their next engagement, but at the FLOWERLOUNGE, many people stayed after and started up conversations with others!
“I’ve never experienced this level of me-ness.”
“The city needed this so badly.”
“We met at the first one and we’ve been best friends since.”
“What’s your flower?”
“Next time, I’m bringing my sister, my daughters, and my best friend. They need it!”
“I’m changing how I live. Starting now.”
“What smells so good?”
“Can we please do this every night?”
“Worth the 8-hour drive to get here.”
“Phone? What phone?”