We’ve all been through 3 wild years of healing & we’re ready for a powerful gathering!
And as usual, we’re kicking it up a notch.Not only will we host the beautiful Flowerlounge experience where you can find yourself againand just BE in a candlelit, flower-filled paradise with other exquisite human beings ...
We’re adding a buffet of other phenomenal experiences worth traveling for:
Healing treatments with our healing practitioner team: flower readings, botanical treatments, flower essence meets Traditional Chinese Medicine services, flower cleansing rituals, consultations, meditations & more.
Intimate, six-sensory dinners with our wildly-talented chef, Justin Booher– with mouth-watering 5-course meals infused with transformative flower elixirs, Chinese & Ayurvedic herbs and taste meditations.
Special flower essence training for acupuncturists, ND’s and other healing practitioners.
Click here to discover what they're all about. See a map of where we've taken the magic. Feast on gorgeous image & video galleries that capture the essence of it all.
Visually-stunning TED-style talk + a six-sense healing experience + an interactive wildflower elixir bar.
Space Requirements:
Seating for 60-100 people
1500 sqft
4 tables
Food prep area
Screen or big wall & projector
Can use tealight candles
Access to space from 12pm - 10pm
Special training for acupuncturists, ND’s and other healing practitioners in practice for 3+ years.
Space Requirements:
Access to space from 9-1
Seating for 20-30 people
Mouth-watering 5-course dinner infused with transformative flower elixirs, Chinese & Ayurvedic herbs and taste meditation.
Indoor/Outdoor Space Requirements:
Full kitchen
Family style-seating for 10-20 people
Preferred: plates, glassware & utensils
Several days of private ceremonies, flower rituals & healing services with the LOTUSWEI healing practitioner team.
Space Requirements:
Access to space 9am - 6pm
3-5 small private treatment rooms
Preferred: 3-5 treatment/massage tables
Preferred: Shower space or outdoor space
Who do you know who owns a large venue space, restaurant, barn, outdoor lounge or beautiful house that could host these community-expanding experiences in exchange for a life-changing bundle of private ceremonies, special services & flower essences?
If you have access to one of these venue types & want to help us secure a collaboration partner in Jackson, Austin, Miami or Charleston from June through September, fill out this form here & we'll give you a call ASAP!