Inner Knowing Mist

Pave your own path in life. Trust your inner wisdom. Express your vision & know that it will all make sense.
Flower Essences Inside

Eagle Fern
Internal Resourcing

Rose of Venezuela
Wild Breakthroughs

Shell Ginger
Embodiment of Vision

Indian Paintbrush



Want to create something you've never created before but not sure how? Turn up the volume on self-trust with Inner Knowing Mist. Dissolve fear of failure, break through limitations & intuit your way through challenges.

MAGNIFIES: Liberation of creative energy; strength to break through limitations; embodiment of vision; internal resourcing

DISSOLVES: Self-doubt; intellectual pondering; irritation from being held back; sense of limitation

Smells Like
Forest liqueur: brown sugar lemon tart with white wine in an old growth forest at sunset.

Himalayan Cedar, Yuzu, Cypress, Holy Basil & Hay.
How to Use
Mist around your crown & heart 5 times a day, everyday.
Purified Water (Aqua), Pteridium aquilinum (Eagle Fern) flower essence, Alpinia zerumbet (Shell Ginger) essence, Castilleja chromosa (Indian Paintbrush) flower essence, Brownea grandiceps (Rose of Venezuela) flower essence, Cedrus deodara (Himalayan Cedar) Oil, Citrus junos (Yuzu) Oil, Cupressus sempervirens (Cypress) Oil, Ocimum santum (Holy Basil) Oil, Foin Coupe (Hay) Absolute, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) flower essence, Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) flower essence and Green Moostone gem essence.*Certified Organic

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Ann Yabusaki
Doubted its power

The mists are wonderful in general. I tried the inner knowing mist because the elixir was too strong for me. The smell is clean and I immediately feel calmer. I enjoy the fragrance as well.

Jenn Lopez
Awesome mist

I absolutely have started being more in touch with my Inner Knowing, with this mist! It helps me to remember each time I use it to center myself and come out of ego! I will definitely be purchasing from LotusWei again and again! :) Thank you for all that you've done to help the world align with Source! I hope one day to attend one of your retreats! Love the mission and the energy behind this! <3

Lots of Clarity

I love this mist! The woodsy smell is wonderful. I was drawn to this during pregnancy as I was looking for flower essence support to help me with my transition to motherhood. Within the first two days of taking it I gained awareness around how I’d been denying/stuffing feelings of scarcity and fear of not enough money, especially with all the expenses that come along with bringing in this new life. I added in the Wild Abundance elixir and within another 2 days my whole perspective began to change and I felt those anxious feelings about lack simply start to melt away! I started keeping a log of all of the different ways money was flowing into my life and was SHOCKED to find 1) all of the abundance that was already surrounding me in life and 2) how much more abundance started flowing in by taking the time to truly be grateful for what was already here!


I love this mist. For some time, I have been off centre, agitated and not trusting or possibly not attuned to my clear intuition. This mist has been a lifesaver, helping me to anchor within my centre. The scent is so refreshing and misting it is an instant reset. I feel less striving and grasping for my “knowing” and more sense of trust in my knowing unfolding and arising from within.
Very helpful in helping me realign with my inner wisdom.

Always helpful when you feel unsure or stuck

I haven't used this one yet fully consecutively yet, but more so every time I feel unsure about something or stuck in some way, it has never failed to lead to some breakthrough or the next step being revealed... much clearer vision and turn arounds... therefore it is one of my favorite go to's when needed! And I seem to be highly responsive to this one as well, because I don't need much, if I use it before bed it'll do the trick.
I've also been a huge fan of shell ginger when I used that as a single elixir years ago, really helped to be tapped into the positive momentum, I think that one alone helps to get new throught going. :)