I am a live in care giver to a female elder and her adult son. I chose to work with them because they are open to all of the healing art skills I have to share. Flower essences work with precious, immediacy, with the elder, I care for. I will give her a single flower and she will, after putting the drops on her tongue… almost exhale immediately, and say a sentence that describes the healing qualities of the flower without knowing what the flower is. It’s extraordinary to observe as a flower essence practioner and to simply be a witness too.
That said, one night we were all sitting on the patio and I came out with a new bottle of Fierce Compassion. I gave some to all of us by tongue and then put drops in our beverages we were drinking, It. Was. Hilarious.
Within minutes of being given Fierce compassion my elder looked at her son with the fiercest of love and professed “I LOVE you heaps and bunches and (I can’t remember the third adjective). She has memory loss so she would turn to him every few minutes and profess the fiercest of love. Her son had a giggle about the flowers acting so quickly every time she interrupted his story he fell into. Meanwhile, he started in on a story that turned into a 45 minute journey. Where we all wept and laughed as he reminisced about when as a single father he began to make good money he and his boys bought lots of toys at Christmas time and for years this became a tradition, of finding out by word of mouth, a few families that might be having a hard time and knocking on their doors, in a Santa suit and his sons dressed as elves, with a big sac of presents to deliver gifts to the whole family. Essentially, he ended up sharing the fiercest compassionate act he and his children did for years at Christmas time. It was a hilarious scene on the patio that night and so magical to observe observe as a flower essence practioner.
When I pointed that the story he told us the night before was essentially the fiercest act of compassion he’s ever exhibited the next morning; we had a good giggle.
His mother also the next day slipped into the beginning stages of the dying process: fierce compassion I believe deeply dissolved this core fear and ego Will around not being able to accept this next stage in her process. Sooooo beautiful and what a way to slide into the realm of hospice for us all? Fierce compassion is like inviting a deep blessing upon yourself and others.
I then ordered inner peace and sacred heart for hospice times more reviews to come…flowers are magic in the death process🌷🌹🌺.