Thank you for sharing your honest feedback with us!
Few questions for you:
Are you using it 5x a day throughout the day or just at night? For the the most tangible results, it will be important to use it throughout the day. It won't put you to sleep when you need to be awake; rather, you will feel more focused & clear.
For sleep, Quiet Mind helps quiets the mind & the body relax & let go. The next step is to to target the things you're ruminating.
For example, I can share a personal experience. I was having a hard time sleeping once ... because there was hard conversation that I needed to have and was over-thinking it and avoiding. So on top of using Quiet Mind, I was also using Truthteller to help me speak my mind & lay it out on the table with fearless strength & conviction.
If you're interested to work with something to target that second layer, the best way to figure that out is to take the flower quiz. Ask yourself: what is keeping me up at night? And then pick the flower & see what comes up.
***Update: We found that Inner Peace would be the best flower essence support.