May 27, 2024

Taylor here!

You know what I just realized? That we’ve never properly told you the story behind Wisdom Nectar Tea, the art featured on the bags & what makes that offering so special.

In early 2022, Alison (founder of Wisdom Nectar Tea) announced to us that she wanted to rebrand Wisdom Nectar Tea.

When I caught wind of this, I told Alison:

"I have an idea. I am going to mock it up & show you. You can take it or leave it."

A few days later, I sent her digital mock-ups of new tea bags ... with her paintings on them!

The truth is:
Being the founder of a tea company isn’t her main gig. First & foremost, Alison is an incredibly talented artist & painter, and she does tea on the side (and is ultra-skilled at that too)!

When I had the idea of featuring her art on the bags, I knew that it was going to stretch her in some uncomfortable way. That’s why I just had to do it without her knowing what my actual plan was, and then show her afterwards.

And it totally took her by surprise!

At first she wasn't comfortable with these two worlds colliding.

Understandable! Her paintings are an extension of her most pure essence & what she holds precious. So putting herself out into the world in this new way … was a jump.

Now, happy to report that she can't imagine them looking any other way! :)

The tea blended by her hands, the meaningful art on the bags, and the surprises you’ll find along the way ~ is an offering from her heart to you.

And I am incredibly honored & humbled to have helped birth this expression of her into the world.

I want to take you through a virtual art gallery experience, starting with a painting featured on one of Alison's new tea bags ~ a painting that's one of my personal favorites!

Let’s go!

This is the BARDO OF LIVING:

Story by Alison:

“This image came from one of the first things I see when I wake up every morning: a glass door with red diamonds hanging in the middle, covered with a white curtain.

The curtain represents the veil of our own thoughts & perceptions – or obscurations. The dance of light, shadow, color & transparency is a representation of life.

When I wake up in the morning, it’s a playful reminder to be curious & open to the fact that we so often do not see the true nature of things. We don’t see things as they truly are – we see them through the lens of our own perception.

And when we experience true awakening, and wake up the potential of the mind, there is no veil or obscuration.

It’s just everything as it is.

True nature.
Pure perception.

The red diamond on my door became the center of the painting. The heart.

It’s the one thing in the painting that is clear. Because the heart is always clear.

My teacher once told me:

“Every part of your human body is affected by your thoughts & your ideas.

But not the Heart – the Heart never gets affected.

The Heart dispels everything.

The Heart doesn't believe in anything.

That’s how pure the Heart is.

If you sit down and you focus on your Heart, nothing can interfere.

The Heart will just kill all thoughts.

All emotional feelings.

Everything you can imagine!

So always remember: go back to your heart.

Whatever goes wrong, go back to your heart.

The heart has no thinking involved.

It’s just beautiful!”


This painting is featured on the new tea bag for Courage!

Courage is a sweet, comforting & earthy blend for all ages. Contains herbs traditionally believed to support clear eyesight, healthy liver and glowing skin. It tastes like yummy, chocolatey, earthy rootbeer ~ slightly sweet, dark and mysterious.

Alison's tagline for this tea is:
Growing older is not for sissies; take courage!

We've curated a special kit to pair with this tea blend and story, to ground your inner Earth, go back to your heart & become the sky.

It includes:

Flower essences to support you in uncovering your sky-like true nature. Chocolate to create stability & nourishment physically, so the energetic body can expand in its capacity for rapid personal growth. Tea for a daily offering to oneself, while also nourishing the body with supportive herbs.

This space-activating painting is permanently installed at our headquarters, at the Self-Arising Nature Center. So when you shop at our flagship store, or come to get a flower essence healing treatment, you will see it in real life! 🙂

I love sharing the stories behind these paintings … because there’s so much meaning & beauty packed into them. More stories to come ~ stay tuned for another virtual art gallery experience! 

Until next time,

P.S. Explore all flavors of Wisdom Nectar Tea here! Click on the tea bag painting you're most attracted to & see if the tea fits what would most nourish your heart & body right now!

P.P.S. We've created a super fun tea quiz ~ take it here to see what you need today!