July 10, 2024
Taylor here!
In 2022, we traveled to 5 different cities for our Ripple the Void Flowerlounge Tour. At each event, Katie & Lisa each gave their own TED-Talk-on-Steroids-Style presentations to share about the impact of flower essences, mindful awareness practices, and 5-element & flower elixir-infused chocolate!
We stitched together two compilation videos of these presentations.
Austin, TX
July 27th, 2022
7:11pm, 1 hour & 11 minutes into the Flowerlounge event
Everyone had just taken their seats & Katie gave the grand Flowerlounge welcome. She shared the 3 reasons we were doing the Ripple the Void Tour and gave a snapshot into how the rest of the evening would unfold.
I remember standing at the back of the room. It was the first time my feet stopped moving since we arrived at the venue at 10 that morning.
“I'm so excited to do this presentation because it's all the things that I’ve wanted to share for the past 20 years … but just wasn't ready to.”
I noticed her voice shake.
Not in the way a voice would shake in someone who is terrified of public speaking.
No, not that at all.
It was like ...
I saw it as:
Mother Earth wisdom was traveling up through her feet, dancing in her flesh body … and the shake in her vocal expression was the vibration of that.
You could sense in the depth of her being that what was about to be shared was something the collective needed to hear—right then & right there.
And each event was different; the people in Charleston, SC got something a touch different than the people in Miami ... it was always transmitted in the way that each group needed to hear it.
And I like to think that each person that showed up … they were saying yes to their divine duty to witness the information & carry it out into the world-–to heal the collective consciousness.
I can't wait for you to watch the videos! My wish is that they remind you of how much unseen magic is in the human realm. May you be inspired!
Happy thoughts & flower petals,