April 29, 2019

Our *Joy of Knowing* Open House at the SAN Center this past Saturday was off the charts fun. Our vision is unfolding + we are SO excited!

The day started with a meditative + energizing Tai Chi demo with Tai Chi master, Frank Banuelos ~ and it just so happened to also be#internationaltaichiday!

After that was our first-ever art workshop with local artist Alison Van Wyck ~ complete with chocolate + tea meditations, coconuts + sunshine.

Then we transformed our apothecary shop into a healing space meets flower shop meets flower-powered mixology bar meets sensory lounge.

Brandi served up citrus nectar lemonade topped with blue butterfly flower tea + edible flowers from her favorite flower farm in the valley!

She'd decorate each drink to match the personality of whoever was about to sip it ~ amazing, right!?

SAN Center acupuncturist Kiya Hunter applied 24k gold seeds to specific acupressure points in everyone's ears to catalyze emotional + physical balance (think acupuncture, without the needles)!

I love how the seeds look like constellations in the ears!

I cherish each connection made during 1:1 flower readings with our secret card deck of brand new flowers! Based on the flowers that were chosen, I infused each persons drink with the precise elixirs they needed most in that moment!

I also led my first *Wakefulness* Meditation Workshop in the#Flowerlounge ~ the level of interest each person had in developing their meditation practice lit. me. UP!⁣

I cannot wait to offer weekly meditation + tai chi classes in our space ~ this + more in the works! ⠀

Big thanks to everyone who came for just an hour or hung out the entire day ~ as our vision unfolds, your support + presence in the space moves mountains. 💗🙏🏻🌸💗🙏🏻🌸

Love + flower petals,