February 07, 2025

Here is our Head of the Snake Year Flower Forecast!

In this Zoom replay, I give a general overview about the Snake year and share themes that all of us will want to be aware of for entire year, but most specifically from February - July!

I talk about unexpected things you’ll want to have on your radar. Actions to take, ways to protect yourself from mishaps. 

I cover:

How to soothe your energy this year

Investments to consider (time, money, health & relationships)

Area of the body that will be most affected in the Year of the Snake, with herbal suggestions to mitigate and nourish

Before you hit play, grab your Head of the Snake Planner -- or download this printable journal if you don't have one!

I’ll ask specific questions related to this new lunar year, and dial deeper into the next six months.

What do you want to create, accomplish and nurture over the next six months – and during the entire Snake year? What are you going to do with this one precious life?

You don’t have to figure out how you’ll make it happen.

The first mission is to think big.

Then: Think bigger.

Get it down on paper. There’s immense power in writing it down. Then simply notice when the opportunities arise.

Let's do it together:


February 2025 ~ Bamboo Flower

A more feminine counterpart to the vivacious Bamboo Shoot essence, the rare Bamboo flower blooms every few decades. Soft and delicate, it teaches us how to release control and deepen into trust with a soft, steady presence. Rather than forcing or manipulating anything, we make an impact with continual gentle effort. Working with the natural energies of wind and water (feng shui), we allow effortless action. We remain nourished in the present moment.

*Available only in the Flowerevolution: February 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Full Bloom

March 2025 ~ Red Penstemon

The fiery Red Penstemon helps us alchemize our anger to burn up hidden discord, misalignment or disharmony within us. We allow anger to move like waves of fire through our system and be discharged more efficiently from our energy channels. Rather than exploding outwardly or imploding in self-punishment, we can use our anger for purification, righteous action and to fuel our spiritual endeavors.

*Available only in the Flowerevolution: March 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Truthteller

April 2025 ~ Yellow Prickly Pear

Yellow Prickly Pear Flower helps us dissolve attachment to loved ones that can cause our bodies to hold on to excess weight. We release struggle and the tendency to store the burdens of others in our energy fields and bodies. Free to release excess fluid and inflammation, we experience a gentle cleanse of the reproductive organs and the midsection of the body. We feel a sense of relief, weightlessness and freedom to have our own experience of life.

*Available only in the Flowerevolution: April 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Luscious Embodiment

May 2025 ~ Moringa Flower

The Moringa Flower awakens fearless devotion to vision and reclamation of what's yours. Rather than ignoring your inner voice, sidestepping your needs, and operating on autopilot – deepen into intentionality and meaning. Indulge in rest for stillness, insights and a gathering of resources. Pause to realign yourself with your greatest potential and prepare for it. Turn up the volume on discernment, clarity of intention and your thriving vision.

*Available only in the Flowerevolution: May 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Expansive Presence

June 2025 ~ Mustard Flower

A sacred flower that fertilizes soil, keeps pests away and creates seeds that bloom for 40 years, the Mustard flower is edible and has countless health benefits. As a flower elixir, it dissolves sadness, feeling lost and fears about growing old. It unlocks unbridled joy, fearless happiness and a sense of exploration and discovery. It unearths a deep appreciation for the cycles of life and death, and the beauty of impermanence. Available only in the Flowerevolution: June 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Joy Juice

July 2025 ~ Orange Prickly Pear

The Orange Prickly Pear Flower helps us thrive within groups and complex networks of understanding. It dissolves inefficiencies and stagnancy, and helps us channel a higher intensity of output, structure and synergy. We can kick it up a notch without getting burnt out; it amplifies efficiency within our personal energy systems, and gives us the ability to thrive within complexity.

*Available only in the Flowerevolution: July 2025.

Flower Essence Blend: Inspired Action


Other resources mentioned:

Lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9
Colors: Black, red, yellow/gold, green
Gemstones: Coral (important for the blood)
Botanicals: Orchids, Bamboo & Cacti

  • Dandelion
  • Barberry
  • Yellow dock
  • Saffron Milk
  • Bitter gourd ~ recipes here
  • Dong Quai (if you're not pregnant!). Can add 2 tbs in a muslin bag in whole chicken soup to boost vitality for women & men, clean the blood. Add goji berries too!

The best kind of flower essence training & experiential discovery. Each month, receive one new, limited edition flower elixir at your doorstep, and learn about that flower in-depth. More importantly, learn about yourself. Turn down the volume on what limits you – and turn up the volume on what makes you wildly unique. Dive into audio transmissions, flower guides, mindful practices to support you, surprise gifts and virtual touchstones with Katie Hess. Learn more about the program here

Live outside of the USA? 

If you’re outside of the United States, *NOW* is the time to jump in because we have our 6-month kit available ~ February 26th is the last day to join. Get all six months bundled in one package to save on shipping ~ join here. Want the bundle shipped with the Head of the Snake Planner? Get that here.


Love & flower petals,

P.S. If you want a beautiful journal/calendar/book to track all the most important things in your life, our new planner is SOOOOO beautiful. It feels so good in your hands and is super spacious! Even more places to write down all your dreams, insights & important details you don’t want to lose track of.