January 08, 2021

Do you have a vision of creating something that has never been done or tried before?

The Inner Knowing flower essence blend can help you:

  • Take a new direction in a certain area of your life or pioneer a new path
  • Break through in an area of your life that previously challenged you
  • Recreate aspects of yourself

The Inner Knowing flower essence blend can catalyze all of this magic:
  • Trust your inner vision + allow it to unfold
  • Feel less afraid of the unknown + instead have faith in the process
  • Pave your own path and know that it will all make sense
  • Liberate your creative energy + expand it beyond your wildest dreams
  • No longer feel like you are bending to the weight of the world
  • Know you can do it and without fear of what others might say
  • Break through any of your perceived limitations to move forward in a new way

inner knowing LOTUSWEI flower essence blend elixir

Infused with a bouquet of the most exquisite flowers for inner wisdom and self-trust, Inner Knowing helps us take things one step at a time, trusting in our inner resources. Instead of looking outside, we can trust our capacity to envision and feel our way into it from the inside out. In projects or life goals where we cannot see the final outcome, we trust in our ability to discover and reveal our vision as it comes to us.

It liberates a whole new level of creativity, both in terms of innovation as well as the way the ideas are brought to fruition. Rather than following a template or norm, it’s about visualizing out-of-the-box possibilities, then "seeing" and "feeling" them into reality. It helps us embrace our own innate special qualities as well as our inner knowingness. We feel calmer and more comfortable within the uncomfortable sensations of forging a new path in our life. We feel supported and accompanied by our surroundings. We feel inspired to keep going. 

Inner Knowing encourages us into a space of wild expansion, breaking through our own limited perceptions to see new ways of doing things and know that we can achieve anything we want. It bestows a fearlessness and a freedom along with a personal knowingness and a deep trust in our own intuition and wayfinding.

Read on to discover more about the flower + gem magic in the Inner Knowing collection:


This luscious green-coloured plant grows readily in areas that have been disturbed, making it a pioneer species—a type of plant that grows quickly in order to heal + nourish the land that has been disturbed. Eagle Fern helps us take things one step at a time, trusting in our inner resources. Instead of looking outside, we can trust our capacity to envision and feel our way into it from the inside out.

Just as ferns have spores and thus don’t need wind or pollinators to do the work of reproducing for them, Eagle Fern helps us know that the resources we need are all contained inside of us. In projects or life goals where we cannot see the final outcome, we trust in our ability to discover and reveal our vision as it comes to us. As long as we are staying rooted in spaciousness and grounded in nourishment, we can continue to create what "feels" right (not based on emotions, feelings or selfishness—rather, it’s seeking out the proper energetic state of being that feels aligned). In this way we can continue to keep taking the next aligned step, without worrying about what lies ahead.



Shell Ginger liberates a whole new level of creativity, both in terms of innovation as well as the way the ideas are brought to fruition. Rather than following a template or norm, it’s about visualizing out-of-the-box possibilities and "seeing" and "feeling" them into reality. It stimulates a rush of new ideas and solutions, which come from within. Rather than be meek, timid, closed down or bending to the weight of a world of limitation, Shell Ginger elicits wild, uninhibited imagination. By helping us "feel" the vision in our bodies, we not only align it with our innermost essence + qualities but also magnetize the elements + energetics to turn our vision into reality.

This flower essence helps us transform outer circumstances through an inner embodiment of our vision and to bring new concepts into the world from the inside out. By "seeing" and "feeling" our visions into our bodies, we plant the seeds for the future by making it real on the inside. We must see it to believe it; Shell Ginger helps us more clearly see in our mind’s eye, the depths of our own personal innovation + ultimate creative capacity.

It dissolves the tendency to stay stuck in the past or in a limited belief system. Shell Ginger also cuts through the habit of being distracted by others’ lack of imagination OR their limited view/ability to see potential as you see it. It exhausts the habit of staying hidden and brings to the surface a strong inclination + focus on what’s possible. It expands our energy and capacity to envision and allow that vision to be made manifest.  



Indian Paintbrush magnifies clarity in the path ahead of us. We are shown signs and indications of being on the right track. We are more able to listen and tune into benevolent supportive forces of nature, feeling confident and assured about the direction we’re going in. We’re more able to follow our hearts. We trust ourselves more deeply. We have more comfort in our abilities and we can feel or intuit our way through a situation (especially situations we’ve never been in before) and handle it like a pro.

We feel the synchronicity of life; it seems magic is all around us. We’re more able to take breaks to sit quietly and really listen, tuning in so that we can pinpoint our next step. Indian Paintbrush helps us embrace our own innate special qualities as well as our inner knowingness. We feel calmer and more comfortable within the uncomfortable sensations of forging a new path in our life. We feel supported and accompanied by our surroundings. We feel inspired to keep going.

Sometimes we forget that feeling lost can be a valuable part of learning. Just because we feel lost, doesn’t actually mean that we are lost. It can simply mean that we are rewriting an old/new story or disassembling to reassemble in a new way. Getting "lost" provides just enough spaciousness and "not knowing" that it unravels preconceived notions or rigidity, along with old patterns and old ways of doing things. It enhances determination and conviction once we’re "back on track."



If you're attracted to Rose of Venezuela, you may be on the cusp of a breakthrough in an area of your life that has previously challenged you. There may be a bridge you’re crossing, a hurdle you’re jumping or a way in which you are expanding more rapidly than usual. It is possible you are diving deep into past patterns, uprooting them once and for all—in a way that will shift the dynamic permanently, benefiting you for the rest of your life.

You may suddenly feel irritated by rigid structures, rules or policies that don’t make sense to you. You may have asked for or been given advice that doesn’t quite sit with your own inner voice, intuition or heart. If this is the case, now is the time to pave your own path and discover for yourself what is right for you. Take charge, ask yourself questions and wait patiently for the answers. Now is a time for trusting yourself completely.

Rose of Venezuela gives us a sense of having a team of support around us and dissolves any fear of not being able to maneuver the hand we’re dealt. It rids our cells of old messaging such as, “You can’t do that,” “That can’t be done,” and “What if…” It liberates irritation that typically accompanies the feeling of being limited and held back and dissolves any fear of persecution, getting into trouble or others getting on our case for the decisions we’re making. Any sense or perception of something being "unattainable" goes by the wayside.

This flower essence encourages us into a space of wild expansion, breaking through our own limited perceptions, to see new ways of doing things and know that we can achieve anything we want. It bestows a fearlessness and a freedom, along with a personal knowingness and a deep trust in our own intuition and wayfinding.

This elixir can help give us the strength to break free from norms and patterns, whether our own or others’ limitations that we’ve adopted. It helps us learn to fully think for ourselves, without the influence of others or excessive concern about what they think. It reconnects us with the ability to think and act independently from projections or interpretations from the outside. 



In each of our blends, we also add one gemstone elixir! Each gemstone is carefully chosen to further enhance + magnify the effects of the flower alchemy. Green Moonstone amplifies your intuition, heightens your sixth sense perception, connects strongly with Mother Earth and feminine energy and balances the yin and yang energies in both men and women.


These are two flower elixirs that we feel are so important, we put them in every formula we make! We infuse blend with Pink Lotus (wisdom + insights) and Yarrow (re-energize after being on cell phone/computer). Pink Lotus is also a "catalyst flower essence," strengthening and boosting the synergistic effects of every blend.


The Inner Knowing blend smells like forest liqueur—more specifically:
brown sugar lemon tart with white wine in an old growth forest, almost dusk, with the orange light of sunset light on your shoulders … ending with a spicy clove-like dry-down. These essential oils make up the blend:

  • Himalayan Cedarwood: This Himalayan version of Cedar has a deeper intensity to it than Atlas Cedar. I find it practically addictive. Its name, Deodar Cedar, comes from the Sanskrit word devdar, which means "timber of the gods." A fragrant wood used for building temples and palaces, Himalayan Cedar trees grow up to 75 meters in the wild. This tree oil induces self-confidence and clarity; it enhances meditation and spiritual expression.
  • Holy Basil AKA Tulsi: This "heart" of the blend is considered a sacred plant in India that opens the heart. Grown near temples and homes to purify the air and induce a divine connection, it stimulates the third eye and helps us trust our own intuition and natural expression.
  • Cypress: Its botanical name has Greek origins: Sempervirens, which means "lives forever." In traditional Chinese culture, Cypress trees are associated with contemplation, as the knees resemble a seated man as they grow. A refreshing wood oil, Cypress is commonly used in cellulite blends because it moves the lymph. Emotionally, it encourages the body to relax and helps you take deeper breaths.
  • Hay Absolute: This oil adds a sweet, grassy, just-mowed-the-lawn kinda freshness, with maté tea and fig notes. A distillation of alpine grasses from France, it’s more typically known in the perfumery world rather than the aromatherapy world, but a well-known perfume critic has been known to refer to it as “the smell of liquid summer sunlight."
  • Sweet Korean Yuzu: A touch of bright, exotic citrus to make the blend pop—and cheer you up with a juicy burst of joy. Korean Yuzu is known for being sweeter than its Japanese counterpart. This oil instantly boosts your mood and is said to be one of the most powerful oils for spiritual awakening, as it removes obstructions, negativities, doubts and anxieties from your energetic body.

inner knowing Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences

When to Use Inner Knowing

  • You're on the cusp of a big change—ending or beginning a job, relationship or place of residence
  • Ready to expand and grow in radical ways
  • You have a big picture vision but need help making it happen
  • You're surrounded by people who keep you thinking small or feeling inhibited
  • Needing more clarity
  • Feeling uncomfortable with not knowing what's next
  • Building self-trust
  • You're ready to stop putting so much weight on what others think and make your own decisions

What You Will Experience

  • Magnification of inner knowing + self-trust
  • Trusting + embodying your inner vision
  • Internal resourcing
  • Step-by-step unfolding
  • "Seeing" into believing: seeing the future and making it real
  • Strength to break through limitations
  • “I can achieve whatever I want” messaging
  • Liberation of creative energy
  • Wild expansion
  • Releasing fear and doubt
  • Fearless action regardless of what others think

Lotuswei flower essence elixir blend essences inner knowing

What People Are Saying

“If you need to ground yourself in a forest ... the aroma of Inner Knowing is like hugging a tree.” —Shea

"I'm just a few days into working with the Inner Knowing Elixir, but it's significant. It feels like another dimension has opened and I'm starting to receive from a place I hadn't previously contacted. There's also an inner strength and certainty I hadn't felt in this way. I've worked with quite a few of the elixirs over more than two years but, for me, this one stands out as something special. It will be fun to see what more unfolds!" —Ken

"I'm in my second week of using this elixir and I honestly noticed the difference almost instantly. I've found myself being moved to make big decisions that I was previously dragging my feet on and I'm trusting my 'inner voice' more than I have in a long time. I already ordered my second bottle. :)" —Alexandria

"I've experienced an explosion of deep dreaming with meaningful connection to my source of inner knowing while using this anointing oil. Smells tree sweet and magical!" —Taylor Johnson

"I haven’t used a LOTUSWEI essence in a few months ... I recently purchased the Inner Knowing mist and elixir, and they have been the perfect remedy to this time in my life. They ground me and connect me to the present and allow the shit that’s hitting the fan to fly in slow motion so that I can either catch it or watch it fly by. If I could I would spray gallons of this stuff on myself. I love the earthy forest scent. Yum." —Micki

"I used this elixir along with Truthteller and the Luscious Embodiment Mist. I feel I have gained more clarity in the direction I want to go with my business and personal life. I was having difficulty feeling confident in what I wanted, and it did not feel super clear. Now writing this, I see that Inner Knowing really helped me with what it states in the 'dissolves' section." —Tiffani S.


lotuswei flower essence collection inner knowing inspired action gamechanger

Inner Knowing is level 3 (the Liberation stage) in a series of flower essence verticals.

In this vertical, level 1 (Stabilization) is Inspired Action and level 2 (Expansion) is Gamechanger. Working with all three levels allows you to unravel or unlock broader sets of patterns, allowing you to go deeper in your personal transformation.


lotuswei flower essence elixir collection inner knowing inspired action gamechanger


Magnifies: Internal resourcing; trusting your inner vision; step-by-step unfolding; wayfinding; inner knowing; self-trust; "seeing" into believing: see beyond, see the future, make it real; liberation of creative energy; embodiment of vision; wild expansion; strength to break through limitations; “I can achieve whatever I want” messaging; fearless action regardless of what others think

Dissolves: Fear of the unknown; feeling like we need external help; getting either bogged down or overstimulated; feeling lost or off track; doubts; fear; being meek, timid, closed down, hidden within self; scarcity model/mind-set; bending to the weight of the world; prickly attitude, irritation of holding/being held back; sense of limitation; “you can’t do that” messaging; fear of persecution.


    Love + flower petals,