April 06, 2018

When ever I am in the mood for a mask, this one is my go-to. I am simple girl, so the recipe only requires 2 ingredients (well, actually 3 if you want to super charge it with flower chi) ::

  • Organic Coconut Milk
  • Green Clay
  • Your favorite flower elixir

Coconut milk is often referred to as the ‘miracle liquid’. Here’s why: it’s recommended for all skin types, is super-packed with essential vitamins + minerals, is a great cleanser due to its natural fatty acids + antibacterial properties, helps restore our skin’s natural moisture, doesn’t clog the pores and promotes healthy glowing skin!

My favorite mineral skin clay is Green Clay! It’s suuuper absorbent and pulls negative toxins + unwanted bacteria from the skin, gently exfoliates dead skin cells + reduces inflammation. 

Mix these ingredients up to create a smooth paste + mask up! And! This recipe is not just for the face! Get crazy + slather it all over your body for a deeply nourishing + detoxifying experience!

Love + flower petals,